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Why PT 141 is the Best Natural Sexual Arousal Treatment

PT-141 is a melanocortin based peptide also known as Bremelanotide which has been shown to treat sexual dysfunction in animals. According to research[i], the PT 141 peptide can have a substantial effect on both male and female mice libido, generating sexual arousal within minutes.

Bremelanotide peptide is being studied as an alternative to Viagra or Cialis. But studies show PT 141 effects also include increased energy levels and a natural tan on animals.

While bremelanotide is currently being tested for treating sexual disorders on animals, research proves it offers much more than that. The reason why PT 141 was halted by the FDA was because of slight increases in blood pressure of test mice and subjects.

What is PT 141?

PT 141 is developed from the Melanotan II peptide, originally tested as a sunless tanning agent animal. However, as research has progressed, Bremelanotide effects have also shown to cause sexual arousal and generate spontaneous erections in 9 out of the 10 male animal test subjects.

As per research on animals, Melanotan II was initially produced to stimulate melanogenesis, the process of skin pigmentation. In addition to tanning, scientists discovered that this peptide could also suppress appetite and enhance libido in animals.

A recent clinic trial tested the peptide on premenopausal mice and it was shown to help with sexual arousal disorder.

PT-141 is a peptide known for its ability to enhance sexual desire and performance. It works by stimulating the central nervous system, making it a powerful option for those seeking an effective libido boost.

How Does PT 141 Work?

As opposed to Viagra and other medications alike, peptide PT 141 does not act in the vascular system. Instead, it boosts sexual desire with the nervous system in animal test subjects. By stimulating and activating the dopamine hormones — the lead role in sexual motivation — research studies have show, PT 141 can treat sexual dysfunction on animals.

Dopamine is a familiar compound in the animal body and a neurotransmitter that stimulates performance. In other words, when dopamine levels are low, so are libido levels. By activating the dopamine hormones, PT 141 can be an effective treatment for sexual dysfunction, as tests in animals showed.

What are the Benefits of PT 141?

According to scientific studies[ii], PT 141 treats sexual dysfunction by increasing sexual desire on animals.

A recent study among mice showed that those who attempted sexual intercourse within 24 hours after PT 141 treatment profoundly increased their sexual arousal, compared to the placebo.

It has also been shown to have significant results on male test mice. Bremelanotide has provided both frequent and intense erections lasting anywhere from 2-6 hours.

As for female mice, sexual arousal has been experienced in a range of just minutes to weeks.

PT-141 is a peptide known for its ability to enhance sexual desire and performance. It works by stimulating the central nervous system, making it a powerful option for those seeking an effective libido boost.PT-141 is a peptide known for its ability to enhance sexual desire and performance. It works by stimulating the central nervous system, making it a powerful option for those seeking an effective libido boost.

Why PT 141?

Scientific research shows from studies carried out on mice that PT141 is effective in treating sexual dysfunction in male as well as sexual dysfunction in female mice.

Bremelanotide for sexual arousal has been shown by scientific research to be an effective treatment, so that is what PT 141 is most commonly known for. Some have even deemed it the “sex peptide.”

PT-141 as a female viagra[iii] is considered effective by researchers at it has been proven to rapidly increase libido and sexual performance in animals, as studies showed.

PT-141 libido treatment is being studied profoundly for its role in enhancing sexual arousal and fulfillment. According to a study, more animals have high sexual desire following bremelanotide treatment as opposed to the placebo.

But that’s not all PT 141 peptide can do. Thanks to the growing PT 141 research, scientists are understanding more and more about this peptide and what it can do. In addition to enhancing sexual arousal, PT 141 has also been shown in studies on animals to boost the immune system, promote bladder control, and even reduce the risk of a stroke or heart attack.

According to new research on animals, PT 141 benefits also include burning fat and calories, reducing stress levels, and lowering blood pressure. There’s also evidence that it tans the skin on animals.

Other Benefits of Bremelanotide

PT 141 for Hemorrhage

PT-141 peptide is also being studied by researchers as a possible treatment for acute hemorrahage. When PT 141 binds to MC-1R and MC-4R, a new and modified version of the peptide reduced ischemia and protects tissues against the setting of hemorrhagic shock caused by inadequate blood supply as research on animals has shown.

PT 141 Against Infection

Scientific studies show that PT 141could be a possible alternative treatment for fungal infections due to its ability to activate MC-1R, a powerful possessor of anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties as research on animals has shown.

PT 141 Against Cancer

The MC-1R receptor is an overall crucial stimulus of DNA repair pathways. Thus, scientists believe such variants of PT-141 may have a future in treating specific cancers.

PT 141 Side Effects

Research on PT 141 emphasizes that the said peptide is perfectly safe. While it is prohibited against  usage, the ever growing research on animals shows how effective PT 141 is at stimulating sexual arousal and treating sexual conditions. PT 141 therapy is certainly an effective futuristic possibility. pt-141

Like with all drugs, there are some side effects of PT 141 as research studies showed.

Noting a 2016 study, out of approximately 300 mice that got this drug, only a few experienced side effects such as nausea and vomiting.

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