

  • Ingredient:Methandienone
  • Manufacturer:Pharmaqo Labs
  • Brand Name:Dianabol
  • Dianabol is a type of steroid that is taken orally, like a pill. Dianabol is so effective because it increases protein synthesis within


Dianabol cycle results: it is not uncommon to gain 7-15lbs lean muscle mass during a Dbol cycle. Now before you think ‘what the hell’, this is LEAN mass meaning you will initially have more at the end of your cycle – 20-30% to be exact. But this is just water. Not muscle. Not fat (although if we’re completely honest, there will be some fat gain – sorry). Water. Take it away and what you’ll realistically walk away with is 7-15lbs extra muscle.

Then there is the fact your natural testosterone production will be depleted. Because of this, you will need to engage in some serious PCT straight after your cycle to help recover this loss. The faster you recover it; the less chance you’ll lose all the muscle mass you’ve just gained.

What Is Dianabol (Dbol)?

Would you believe that Dianabol shares the same chemical makeup as other anabolic steroids, such as Anabol and Granabol? Yep, it’s true.

All of these bad boys are known for their ability to help bodybuilders experience rapid muscle gains; burn fat, and achieve it all in a short amount of time. More importantly, they are used within cycles to increase the effectiveness of other testosterone supplements or injections (basically other anabolic steroids) whilst diminishing their side effects of acne, oily skin, excess estrogen, etc.

Now, despite Dianabol sharing the same chemical profile as other methandrostenolone brands; Dianabol is considered one of most popular and effective anabolic steroids around (yep, there is no rational to that theory, but hey what can you do?).

However, it is important to bear in mind its side effects. True, these are reduced by stacking Dianabol with something else, but this won’t completely eradicate them. That is why it is important to know your options.

How Does Dbol Work?

This anabolic steroid’s main goal is to keep your body in a sustained anabolic state whilst minimizing the risk of androgenic effects like baldness, acne… you get the idea.

By increasing protein synthesis, this can aid muscle growth, increase muscle development and repair – at an accelerated rate – and boost nitrogen retention (and the more nitrogen you retain, the more anabolic you will remain). And this is important, as it allows 100% of your protein intake to focus on your muscles.

Another perk to doing a Dianabol steroid cycle – aside from the fact that it can be taken as a pill, so no painful injections required – is that it can help you to make better use of the carbohydrates you digest, whilst bolstering your strength, energy, stamina and general gym performance levels.

Why Is Dbol Cycled?

Remember those pesky side effects we mentioned earlier? Dianabol – like most steroids – comes with a whole list of side effects which could seriously harm your health.

Sure, acne and oily skin doesn’t sound that scary when you can benefit from stimulated fat loss, increased metabolism and strength, reduced fatigue, and faster muscle recovery and mass gains. But that’s not the full story…

When you add into the equation increased bad cholesterol; severe liver and kidney damage; water retention; high blood pressure; reduced natural testosterone production – yep it can do the exact opposite of what you want by harming your body’s natural ability to make testosterone – AND gynecomastia (i.e. moobs!); these perks no longer seem so appealing.

That is why most bodybuilders choose to do a Dbol cycle (or even better a Dbol and test cycle), to help minimize these less than appetizing side effects. Do a Dbol only cycle and this could raise the risks.

By the way, in case you are new to CrazyBulk, I’ve written about Dianabol on my blog before. Have a look at this page for more information on Dianabol and its side effects.

Remember how we mentioned you can take Dbol as a pill? Well, you can technically complete a Dianabol cycle using injections too. So if you don’t mind the pain, you could potentially use it this way. However, given that its 17-aa profile enables it to pass through your digestive system without being destroyed, then the pill is a much better option.

But what about the Dianabol cycle itself? Which is the best one? Well, we have done our research and here is what is suggested.


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