TRENBO A 100 mg 10 ml


  • Ingredient:Trenbolone Acetate
  • Manufacturer:Para Pharma
  • Brand Name:Trenbolone Acetate


TRENBO A (Trenbolone Acetate) is the most popular form of the trenbolone, which has the smallest period. Ether is stored in fat depots, the active ingredient in the blood is gradually cleaved. The short period of dilapidated determines the high frequency of injections that can be uncomfortable for beginners. The average dosage of acetate ranges from 50 to 100 milligrams a day.

The ability of TRENBO A to bind is large, and 5 times higher than in testosterone. The steroid is one of the most effective in terms of a set of muscle mass and increase power performance. At the same time it should be noted a high incidence of adverse reactions, especially in cases of incorrect dosages chosen and the excess length of the cycle. TRENBO A has gained popularity largely due to the fact has no estrogenic activity, and is not subject to conversion under the action of aromatase. Thus, in athletes, excessive accumulation of liquid and gynecomastia doesn’t occur.

Suppression of testosterone production is due to the presence of progesterone activity and feedback mechanism. Often, users are faced with testicular atrophy, flaccid erection and decreased libido. Given that TRENBO A 19-nor testosterone derivative in terms of progestin activity, it has a lot to do with Nandrolone. TRENBO A can bind to progesterone receptors, which leads to the occurrence of gynecomastia and significant reduction in libido. Time detection at doping control – up to 5 months.

Trenbolone Acetate Effects: a significant increase in muscle mass. Solo TRENBO A cycle allows you to gain up to 10 kilograms of muscles. Reduction of body fat. The effect is enhanced by the stimulation of growth hormone. Increased sexual desire and libido on the cycle. After discontinuation of the TRENBO A, level of secretion of testosterone is considerably reduced. A twofold increase in insulin-like growth factor. Reduced levels of cortisol. Increase in power rates.

There are the following negative manifestations of TRENBO A: ​​rise in blood pressure, excessive aggression, excessive oiliness of the skin, acne, baldness. Suppression of natural testosterone can cause decreased libido and even testicular atrophy. Preventive maintenance is carried out by introducing cabergoline and gonadotropins. TRENBO A is not toxic to the kidneys, however, the urine may be colored in red derivable metabolites. With regard to effects on the liver, it is moderate.

Side effects of TRENBO A are more likely when you turn in the cycle ephedrine or clenbuterol.


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