

  • Ingredient:Trenbolone Enanthate ,  Trenbolone Acetate ,  Trenbolone Suspension
  • Manufacturer:Dragon Pharma
  • Brand Name:Trenbolone Acetate
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Trenbolone is one of the most powerful anabolic and androgenic steroids around. In fact, it’s so powerful that even pro-steroid bloggers recommend against it if you’re a first-time user. Trenbolone hasn’t actually been manufactured for human use since 1997… and with good reason. Strong steroids ultimately mean big risks.

Tren is fairly cheap, but also extremely potent. All the trenbolone you’ll find floating around is either veterinary grade or made in black market labs. Unlike other anabolic steroids, trenbolone doesn’t have any clinical uses for humans. The main purpose of Tren is actually to bulk up cattle ready for selling on the market. Have you seen the pictures on Google of those super jacked cattle? That’s trenbolone.

So, what exactly is Tren, and why is it so damn powerful?

What Is Trenbolone?

There are two forms of Tren: trenbolone acetate and trenbolone enanthate, frequently referred to as Tren A (or Tren Ace) and Tren E. The different names refer to the two different chemical forms, which have different esters. These two forms enter and leave your system at different speeds. Tren A is the most popular form of this steroid, as it’s more readily available and has a much shorter lifespan in your system. By taking doses every other day, it’s easier to maintain a consistent level of Tren in your blood, meaning you’re likely to see greater effects. However, some steroid users still prefer Tren E, which has longer life cycle and supposedly fewer side effects.

So, why is Tren so popular? Well, unlike some other steroids, it cannot be converted into estrogen in the body. This helps reduce the risk of man boobs, which is a common issue amongst bodybuilders. It’s also extremely powerful. Which makes sense, because it’s normally used on 1500lb cows. Tren actually has five times the anabolic strength of testosterone, making it a favorite amongst seasoned steroid users.

Because of its strength, the dosage for Tren can be pretty low. Doses start at as low as 200 mg per week, split into injections every other day. This increases to 400-500 mg at an intermediate level. The slightly less sane may even choose to push the dose as high as 800 – 1000 mg, but extreme amounts like this will result in equally extreme side effects.

And damn, those side effects can be pretty nasty. With hair loss, coughing fits and a limp dick amongst the most common problems, don’t expect a happy wife in the near future.

Additional information


100 mg 10 ml, 200 mg 10 ml


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